About Kris Fondran
Kristine Fondran teaches how to increase flexibility and fitness and how to reduce mental and emotional stress. She documented the benefits of yoga practice even for total beginners in a research study for her Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology. She shares her knowledge with groups all over the world, in Germany, Holland, China, Singapore, Canada and across the United States.
What Happens When You Start To Use Shapeshifter Yoga
You can feel younger by a decade in only 28 days
You can double your energy nearly instantly
Shapeshifter Yoga System Can Make You Look Hot
The "yoga butt" is for real! Yoga practitioners are so famous for having great butts that they even invented a term for it.
Yoga will help you stay SLIM! Yoga practice can sculpt your muscles and give you a nicer shape, can even help you lose weight.
Yoga practice controll "aging" hormone.
4 Hidden Performance Enhancing Yoga Benefits
You will have perfectly body control
Your joints and connective tissue will become more resilient
Yoga fixes your body's imbalances
You will increase your strength and power
4 Ways Yoga Keeps You Pain-Free
Anyone who sits at a desk needs to be doing this stuff! Here are the jobs that would benefit from yoga practice: Executives, Receptionists, Sales reps, Factory workers, Nurses, Writers, Secretaries, Waitresses and more...
Banish Back Pain
Bulletproof Your Joints
Kristine Fondran's Powerful 6-Component Shapeshifter Yoga System
Whether you respond best to visual explanations, text or audio, all is covered!
1. Shapeshifter Yoga Manual : downloadable secrets of your yoga practice, including how often to practice for the fastest results, and exactly what mistakes to avoid in each physiological phase of an exercise: $47 Value
2. Yoga Pose Manual : if you prefer print over video or just need a quick reference for an exercise: $19 Value
3. Yoga Flow Routine Guide : quick reference charts which you can post in your training area : $19 Value
4. Yoga Pose Video Library : the walk through every pose and dynamic exercise in the Shapeshifter Yoga program. You can watch the videos from your desktop, on your iPhone or other mobile device. The exercises are portable, and so is the program! $47 Value
5. Shapeshifter Yoga Follow Along Video : You can watch the videos online, download them to your desktop, or drop the iPod ready m4v version straight into your portable device to take your follow-along workouts with you wherever you go : $57 Value
6. Shapeshifter Flow Routine Follow Along Video : Step by step through the Shapeshifter Flow, reminding you how to work with your breath, and giving exactly the right movement You can also watch the videos online, download them to your desktop, or iPod : $37 Value
Kaya Sthairyam, "Absolute Stillness" Audio : guided practice will allow you to get to a state of physical stillness, so you will reduce physical, emotional, and mental stress. This is the first step to a healthy and happier life experience
Take advantage of 60 Day Guarantee and experience the power of Shapeshifter Yoga today!
You only live once and life is way too short to be spent struggling with excess fat, aching joints, low energy or depression.
TRIPLE Guarantee
Quality : to detail of every element of the program to ensure your quick and easy success.
Results : you'll get noticeable results in days.
Support : Ask questions, share your success and seek motivation in your Community Portal.
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